Chew on this:
“The Word or The World, One ‘L of a Difference” (c) 2014
“Faith and Hope Sit on the Edge of Imagination” (c) 2002
“Familiarity is the Death of Humility” (c) 2019
Ode to The Anomaly
(written after finding a square morning glory bloom
in The Llama Garden (c) 2017)
How do you have the guts to be
So very odd?!
You stand out.
You don’t blend and
You don’t cringe.
There is no chameleon,
No slight-of-hand to hide: inside.
You dare to take your space
with aplomb and grace.
You “Rock the Odd”
as if you only had one day to bloom.
(It’s over soon.)
Anomaly, Anomaly,
You don’t fit in…
You’re Custom Made!
Anomaly, Anomaly … could it be that
You are Me?